The Emperor Of Germany Has Put Forth A Most Cruel
order concerning the Alsatians and Lorrainers who volunteer for the French armies. Any one who volunteers for those armies will be punished by confiscation of all his present......
We Regret To Perceive From The Lancet That Mr. Childers
remains seriously ill, that he has lost nerve-power from overwork, the pressure of his former disease, and griefat thepublie amidomeetie consequences of the loss of the Captain.......
Sir W. Mansfield Has Evidently Received Permission To...
plan of military defence. His ideas have been expressed this week through an article in the Edinburgh Review, through a speech to the London Scottish Volunteers, and through a......
Mr. Otway Has Made A Curious Speech To His Constituents
at Chatham. He evidently wanted very much to tell them why he quitted the Foreign Office, and kept leading up to the subject, but finally resolved to keep his explanation for......
Mr. Forster Addressed His Constituents At Bradford Ou...
a speech partly on the war and foreign policy and partly on education, of which we have criticized the former section at length elsewhere. After he had expounded his view of the......
Mr. Jacob Bright, M.p. For Manchester, And Mr. Baines, M.p.
for Leeds, both addressed political meetings late last week, and their speeches form a curious contrast. Mr. Jacob Bright, as usual, speaks like his brother minus his......
Mr. Stansfeld, Like Mr. Forster, Has Not Been Quite...
with his constituents. His difference with them, however, was only upon the Contagious Diseases' Act, which he evidently dis- likes, but, as a member of the Government, cannot......
Mr. Baines, On The Contrary, Was Very Prudent And Sensible.
" The Education Act he regarded as the best measure that could be passed, under the circumstances." He was in favour of Army reform, and would vote for the removal of the Duke......