In Quest of the Holy Graal. By Sebastian Evans, LL.D.
(J. M. Dent and Co. 3s. 6d.)—Mr. Evans is of opinion that the Graal legends are an elaborate allegory of the struggle between Pope Innocent III., John of England, Philip of France, and Arnold of Citeaux, head of the power. ful order of Cistercians, which culminated in " the General Interdict constituted throughout England." Mr. Evans has marshalled his facts with skill, and has made an interesting sketch of the history of the period, and whether we accept his interpretation or not, the points of resemblance between Sing Fisherman and the Popo, and the Curse of Logres and the Inter- dict, to mention only two of the alleged parallels, are rather curious. As regards dates, Mr. Evans says "that all that can with any certainty be relied on " are "to be found in the various stories of Perceval and the Graal. They range from about 1210 to 1230. .The Interdict in England came into force in 1208, and was relaxed in 1214. Every single romance in which the curse that fell upon Logres is mentioned was written either during the Interdict or within a few years after."