21 JANUARY 1899, page 3

An Official Communique From Mr. Rhodes, Stating His Views...

intentions with regard to the Cape to Cairo route, was published by the Central News on Thursday. He estimates that, to bridge the existing gap of some three thousand five......

The Bishop Of London Has Added To His Address At

the Ruridecanal Conferences in November and December (just issued by Messrs. Longmans and Co.) an appendix which deals specifically with some of the causes of the recent......

In A Series Of Letters Which Are Appearing In The

Daily Chronicle on the subject of old-age pensions is one—in the issue of Thursday—from Mr. Edwin Ransom dealing with the Spectator's plan for old-age pensions. His most......

The Speech Made By Sir Michael Hicks-beach At Bristol On

Wednesday contained towards the end apassage of great weight and importance, and one whisk will, we hope, be taken to heart by all persons who are concerned for the welfare of......

On Tuesday, At The Royal Statistical Society, Sir Robert...

read a paper on " The Excess of Imports." Sir Robert Giffen's handling of the subject, as was to be expected, was of a most masterly kind, and it is to be hoped that he has......

The Times Of Tuesday Gives A Very Interesting Account Of

the progress of recruiting. In spite of last year being a prosperous year for trade, it was a record year in the matter of recruiting, and the number of men who joined the......

We Have Dealt Elsewhere With The Economic Aspects Of Mr.

Chamberlain's speech at the dinner of the Wolverhampton Chamber of Commerce, held last Wednesday. The rest of his speech was taken up with our relations with France; and here......

Bank Bate, 81 Per Cent.

New Consols (2i) were on Friday, 1111.......