Parliamentary Notes Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes : What Mr. Churchill
once described as " the Ministry of nearly all the talents " is now well into its seventh year. The experiment of National Government has lasted longer than anyone could have anticipated. It seems strange now to recall Mr. MacDonald's pronouncement in August, 1931, that this was a purely temporary combination. Actually, of course, the distinction so frequently drawn between national and party government means very little. For all practical purposes the supporters of the present administration are just as much a party as the followers of Mr. Attlee or Sir Archibald Sinclair. But fusion into one organisation would be a mistake. The conception of men of different political creeds co-operating together for the common weal still obviously appeals to the ordinary elector who is not politi- cally minded. Sweet are the uses of diversity in politics, provided always that the diversity is confined to labels and does not extend to essentials.