It Is Announced That Dr. Niemoller, The German Con-...
Church leader, who has been in prison since July 1st, 1937, is to be brought to trial some time next month on vague charges, such as the use of the pulpit for political......
Peace Without A Price Mr. Herbert Hoover's Address At San
Francisco on Saturday was only fragmentarily reported in the British Press, and no doubt the ex-President was more logical than the reports in question would suggest. Yet he is......
Naval Competition The Recommendation That £110,653,000...
for the U.S. Navy in 1938 can only be received with satisfaction in this country. In the naval arms race that has followed Japan's withdrawal from the London Con- ference in......
Teruel Again On Tuesday, After A Fortnight's Calm,...
delivered a renewed assault on Teruel. According to Sala- manca communiques (which lately have not been conspicuous for accuracy) General Aranda's troops broke through the......
The Soviet Parliament The Joint Session Of The First...
Parliament, the Supreme Soviet Council, adjourned sine die on Wednesday after a week's session. It has already shown mare vivacity than perhaps might have been expected from so......
Italy's Finances It Would Not Be Reasonable To Cite The
Daily Herald as an entirely dispassionate commentator on the affairs of Fascist Italy. None the less an article by that paper's City Editor on Wednesday, on Italian public......