it made their appearance off Oporto on the 8th instant;
on respecting the expedition of Don 'PEDRO. The vessels composing Intelligence, certain though scanty, has at length been received
which day they effected an unobstructed landing at Metosinhoes, on the north bank of the Douro. As soon- as the whole of the troops had disembarked,—which they did without accident or confusion,—the order to advance was given, and the 'old town of Oporto was occupied without opposition. The troops of Don MiGuEL, in retreating to the Villa Nova, or New Town, destroyed in part the bridge by which the banks of the river are connected. On Monday, a detachment of PEotto's troops were landed at the Villa Nova, under protection of the steamers ; and the Miguelites being driven out of the New Town as well as the Old, the com- munication was restored. Thisis 'nearly the entire amount of our present information,—with the exception of a report that three regiments of MiGuEL's army had joined the invaders; while a fourth, in an attempt to follow their example, was attacked and cut to pieces by the rest of the Usurper's troops; that the latter, on quitting Villa Nova, had retreated to Aveiron, half-way between Oporto and Coimbra • and that on the 11th and 12th, PEDRO had pushed forward detachments as far as Grijo and youga.
The forces of Don PEDRO fall farshort of the number at which they Were once rated. Instead of 17,000, they are said not to ex- ceed 7,500, about 1,000 of which are English'and French. The friends of Portuguese liberty have been disappointed at their landing at so great a distance from the capital, and at the
which Was the theatre of the last contemptible and abort' _" tempt at driving the tyrant from his throne. Success or it is plain, must entirely depend on the movements of the'.
guese people : if they are dissatisfied with Their presen ment, they have now a rallying-point, which is all they csfi ask,—if they are not, no amount of force that PEDRO cola would suffice to regenerate a country which would be unigt his courage or his skill.