:be Triattntru.
There have been a number of Reform Festivals—happy meetings; chiefly of the labouring classes—in various parts of the country. On Wednesday last week, the men of Messrs. Maclean......
Chol Era.—yesterday's Report Presents Us With 369 New...
224recoveijes. Comparing the totals with those of last Satur- day, there have been reported during the week 2,127 new cases, and 790 deaths. The number of cases remaining......
The Recorder, On Tuesday, Made His Report To The King
of the pri- soners in Neavgate, under sentence of death, convicted at the last May 'sessions all of whom his Majesty was graciously pleased to respite during his Royal pleasure......
On Tuesday Morning, About Half-past Six O'clock, While A...
coach, built by Mr. Squires of Paddington, was making One of its ex- perimental runs, in turning the corner of the Harrow Road into Dudley Grove, being at the time proceeding at......