The Inde'pendanee Beige says :-
"Our correspondence from Turin informs us that the Sardinian deputy, etis. left, on Sunday, for Genoa, where he intends to embark for Palermo. Opiaione asserts that he goes to Sicily at the request of Garibaldi, who es an interview with him. Before leaving he had several conferences Count Cavour and with M. de Faiini, Minister of the Interior. M. Itupretis has somewhat more advanced opinions than Count Cavour. He Ana appointed Governor of Breads by M. Rattazzi, and he gave in his resig- muion a short time after the accession to power of the present Cabinet." ;The C'orricre Mercantile asserts that the Piedmontese deputy is sent to thitsipate.Garibuldi's suspicions with reference to the proposed alliance be- tveen Piedmont and Naples, while the Opinions Nationale of Paris regards the mission as having a less special character, and says that M. Dupretis is charged; according to a preconcerted arrangement with Garibaldi, to take the administrative direction of Sicily, political and military affairs remain- ing entirely at the disposition of the Dictator. The Liiita Italiaaa gives some details of the military preparations which are now being made at Palermo "for the next war." Two hun- dred Paixhan guns, several steamers, and a thousand saddles, have been ordered abroad, and will soon arrive for the service of the expedition. Other carmen and warlike implements of different kinds are being cast in the foundries of Palermo, from the church bells. A new corps of moveable National Guard has just been formed ; it is composed of young men belonging to the principal families of the city, and will serve to maintain order and security in the surrounding districts. The first battalion of this body is already completely organised. The projects for the armament of the Sicilian coast appear to be in course of realisa- tion, M. de Benedictis, an officer of the Neapolitan Engineers, being
charged with the task. He has suiveyed the beach of Mondelle, to commence his operations.