21 JULY 1860, page 12

The Trial Of Mr. Leathern, Under The Corrupt Practices...

Act, - took place at York Assizes, on Thursday. The circumstances of the case are too well known to require recapitulation, as they arose out of the last election for Wakefield,......

The Inde'pendanee Beige Says :-

"Our correspondence from Turin informs us that the Sardinian deputy, etis. left, on Sunday, for Genoa, where he intends to embark for Palermo. Opiaione asserts that he goes to......

Money Market.

Bronx Exciter/GE, FRIDAY Aermutooe. A good demand for money has prevailed during the week. Up to yester- day the rates were firmly maintained by the activity of the inquiry, but......


SATURDAY IfORN1NG. The House of Commons sat at noon. Disposing of private business, the order of the day was called for. The House then went into Com- mittee on the Savings......


On the 7th of May, at Sydney, New South Wales, the Wife of Sir William M. Manning, of a son. On the 10th of July, the Wife of Captain Craig, Governor of H.M.'s Model Con- vict......