21 JULY 1860, Page 20


Mr. Murray has in the press "The Messiah and His Kingdom ; a Narrative of Our Lord's Life, Sufferings, Death, Resurrection, and As- „Ise, cension,” by a Layman, author of "Life of Bishop Ken."

Messrs. Hurst and Blackett announce for appearance on Tuesday next Mr. Atkinson's new work, "Travels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor and the Russian Acquisitions on the Confines of India and China," in one volume, with upwards of eighty illustrations. The work is dedicated, by permission, to her Majesty. Mr. Bentley announces as forthcoming a "History of English Litera- ture, Critical and Anecdotical," and "The English Satirists, from Hall to Byron."

Messrs. W. H. Allen and Co. announce as forthcoming a new "His- tory of Chess," by Dr. Forbes, and an essay on modern Muscovite civili- zation, entitled "The Russians at Home,' by Mr. Sutherland Edwards.

A new work, by Dr. Angus Smith, entitled "Air and Water,". a "Manual of Chemistry," by Dr. William Odling, and a "Handbook of Farm Labour," by Mr. J. C. Morton, are preparing for publication by Messrs. Longman and Co.

/ The same publishers announce as forthcoming "Lectures on the His- tory of the Fine and Ornamental Arts," by W. B. Scott, "Political

' --Ballads of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century," by W. W. Wil- kins, "The Philosophy of Nature," by Dr. Boase, and "Facts and Figures relating to Vancouver's Island and British Columbia, by J. D. Pemberton.

Messrs. Routledge and Co. have in the press a new "History of Eng- 1 and," by the Reverend J. White, a volume of "Poems," by Gerald Massey, and various works of fiction, among them "Odd People," by Captain Mayne Reid," "The Unloved One," by Mrs. Hoftand, and "Sunshine and Clouds in the Morning of Life," by Ann Bowman.

Mr. James Blackwood is preparing to publish a "History of the Con- quest of Mexico and Peru, by Cortes and Pizarro."

"Lectures on Subjects relating to the Use and Management of Lite- rary, Scientific, and Mechanics' Institutes," by Mr. W. Driver and the Reverends H. Whitehead and T. C. Whitehead, are announced as forth- coming by Messrs. Bosworth and Harrison.

Messrs. Fullerton and Co., Edinburgh, have in the press, in eight volumes, the posthumous works of the Reverend Ralph Wardlaw, the celebrated Glisgow preacher, edited by his son, the Reverend J. S. Warcllaw.

A committee for compiling and printing a native Irish Dictionary has been formed at Dublin. The chief promoters of the undertaking are Drs. Todd and O'Donovan, and Lords Kildare, Dunraven, and Talbot of Malahide.

Several works of fiction, among them "The Orange Girl," by Lady Charles Thynne, and "The Evil Eye, or the Black Spectre," by the well-known author of "Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry," are announced as forthcoming by Mr. James Duffy, Dublin.

A "Church History of the First Three Centuries, from the 30th to the 323d Year of the Christian Era," by Milo Mahan, has been published by Messrs. Appleton and Co., New York.

The same publishers announce "Patriot Preachers of the American Revolution, with Biographies' Sketches, 1761-83," and "Margaret Moncrieffe, the First Love of Aaron Burr, a Romance of the Revolution, with an Appendix containing tho Letters of Colonel Burr to Kate, &c.," by Mr. Charles Burdett.

A work on "The Gold Fields of St. Domingo, with a Description of the Agricultural, Commercial, and other Advantages of Dominica, and some Account of its Climate, Soil, Mountains, Rivers, &c.," by. W. S. Courtney, has been published by Messrs. Derby and Jackson, New York.

An important historical work, from the pen of the well-known M. Jules Bastide, has just been published by Michel Levy freres, Paris. Its title, " Les Guerres de Religion en France," explains the contents.

A second revised and augmented edition of M. Leon Feugere's " Ca- reeferes et Portraits du seizieme siècle," and a fourth edition of M. Gui- zot's "Histoire de la Republique d'Angleterre et de Cromwell," is an- nounced by Messrs. Didier and Co., Paris.

M. de la Guerroniere announces in a long letter to the Revue Euro- peenne his intention of preparing, "from materials placed at his com- mand," a Life of the late Prince Jerome Bonaparte. He disclaims the "De Mortuis nil nisi bonum " principle.

According to the official Gazette of Vienna no less than seventy thou- sand copies of M. Horn's " la Hoegrie et la Crise Europeenne " have been seized by the customs' authorities at the Austrian frontier. The work has been reprinted at Leipzig in German, French, and Magyar, and nearly 100,000 volumes of the various editions have, it is calculated, actually penetrated into Hungary.

"Ii Bilancio dell' Emilia," by the Marquis de Pepoli, late Minister of Finances of the Emilian provinces, has just been published at Turin. Dr. James R. Ballantyne (of the College at Benares) the eminent San- sent scholar and candidate for the Boden Professorship at Oxford, has received the appointment of Librarian at the East India House, vacant through the death of Professor 15...

Brigola of Milan, !denounces a popular tale by Francesco Carraeco,

c-11.1A-141414eirttOri delle Alpi," to be preceded by ` Sketches of the Life ,

of Garibaldi ;" and a translation of the "Life of Cardinal Giuseppe Mez- zofanti," from the English of William Russell. The same publisher contemplates the publication of a history of the Dukes of Savoy, " Storia dei Duchi di Savoie," in twenty-three numbers, with many plates. This work will be an abridgement of the great work on "Celebrated Italian Families," by Conte Portiere° Litta, and is to be published by subscrip- tion.

At the office of the Perseveranza, in Milan, is sold a comic trifle with the following curious title :—" To the most Reverend Father Lamori- ciere of the order of " The author calls himself Fra Pusitini, most probably an assumed name.