Mr. Disraeli has entered upon office with evidently new zest.
On the first night of his appearance in the House—Monday night —he was baited by Mr. Bernal Osborne about his Irish appoint- ments and his Irish policy. Mr. Osborne censured him first for not giving Mr. Brewster the Lord Chancellorship of Ireland; then for giving it to Mr. Blackburne, who is too old ; then for giving the Judgeship of Appeal to Mr. Napier, who is too deaf ; then for having promised to check emigration, censuring especially by anticipation grants for public works or a loan for railways. Mr. Disraeli enjoyed his reply. He wondered, after hearing such high and well deserved praise of Mr. Brewster, that the Liberals had not made him Lord Chancellor ; he said that Mr. Blackburne, having just left the duty of revising the decisions of the Lord
Chancellor, to which he was appointed by the Liberals, wis surely fit to discharge duties which he was competent to revise ; he said, as to the charge of being "as deaf as a post" bron0e, against Mr. Napier by Mr. Bernal Osborne " with that delicacy which some- times distinguishes him," that Mr.Napier bad never been too deaf to ruecced in the House of Commons, and therefore might fairly hope to succeed as Judge of Appeal ; he admitted that he did intend to propose a loan for Irish railways, which he thought Mr. Osborne might pardon, both because Mr. Osborne had property in Ireland, and because it was a measure handed down to them by their pre- decessors ; he remembered Mr. Osborne having badgered him very similarly eight years ago, when he was " member for some other town, for really he has been an almost universal representative," and sat down having effectually silenced Mr. Bernal Osborne, who will be long remembered as " the universal representative."