The State Of Germany.
(FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.] Ladenburg, July 16, 1866. THERE is a strange and powerful Nemesis in the affairs of men. The German Diet, which since 1815 has so often......
Art Unions.
IN the year 1846 there was no great sale for expensive pic- tures. It was thought by many that if Art Unions were exempted from the operation of the Lottery Laws, they would......
The Scotch Episcopacy.
To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Edinburgh, July 17, 1866. Sir.,—In connection with your review of the Bishop of Argyll's book on " The Present State of Religion," where you......
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,-I hope you will allow me to say a word in reply to an observation which occurs in your notice of my pamphlet on " Wine " in your last......