A Syriac Grammar. By George Phillips, D.D,, President of Queen's.
College, Cambridge. Third Edition. Revised and enlarge& (Bell and Daldy ; Deighton, Bell, and Ca., Cambridge.)—In this new edition of his- well known grammar, Dr. Phillips has consulted the wants of the more mature Syriac scholars, whose number has increased of late years in this. country. He has omitted the " Chrestomathies," or elegant extracts, and introduced in their place additional grammatical matter. 'Whatever new forms, or inflexions of words, or new constructions have been dis- covered in the Syriac MSS., which have been recently edited, he has. taken care to bring before the notice of the student. Thus the book, whilst retaining the elementary features of the earlier editions, deals. more in detail with the development of the language, and is calculated to meet the requirements of learners of all degrees of progress.