TRE much-talked-of meeting between the new Emperor of Germany and the Czar took place on Thursday at Peterhof. When the approach of the German squadron was expected, the Czar, wearing the uniform of a Prussian General, went on board his yacht and steamed down to Cronstadt to meet his guest, the German Emperor being escorted from his -own yacht to the Czar's, and there received with the embraces -usual among Sovereigns. The newspapers of the Continent are, of course, fall of all sorts of rumours as to the results to be expected from the Czar's visit, and a certain tone of uneasiness prevails at Vienna, where the Foreign Office is apprehensive, apparently because it fears that the Czar will not be able to keep the Panslavist party in cheek. Perhaps the most noticeable feature in the conduct of the Press is the tone assumed by Prince Bismarck's organ, the North, German Gazette, which seems anxious to show that Germany is not going to ask any boon of Russia, or in any way to bow down before her great neighbour. For instance, it declares that it knows of nothing " which Russia can give us which we did not possess before."