Elementary Physiography. By John Thornton, M.a. (longman...
glad to see that the craving for physiographical knowledge is getting to be more fully recognised. Most teachers are willing enough to devote plenty of time to the subject in......
Baths And Wells Of Europe. Ry John Macpherson, M.d. (stan-
ford.)—The usefulness of this work is shown by the issue of a third and revised edition. Baths and wells may be, indeed, are, of great value in themselves, but the majority of......
Seven Years For Rachel. By Anne Beale. (religious Tract...
writer has endeavoured to portray in the form of a romance, sketches of Welsh life and character, with some of the customs which are strange to English ears, such as the "......
The Origin Of Floral Structures. " The International...
By Rev. G. Henslow. (Began Paul and Co.)—The Rev. George Henslow prefers to follow Saint Hilaire's monde ambiant as the primal cause of change, and refers the origin of floral......
Sire And Son. By Rev. Amos White. New And Revised
Edition. (Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School Union.)—The startling con- trast is between the father, who becomes a confirmed drunkard, and the son, whose linen are cast in very......
The Wealth And Progress Of New South Wales. By T.
A. Coghlan. (George Robertson and Co., Sydney.)—The Columbus of Australia, De Quiros, like his great predecessor, imagined he had discovered a continent when he had only chanced......