A standard work, well known to the Medical Profession, appears
in a " new edition, revised throughout and enlarged." This is A Dictionary of Medicine. Edited by Richard Quain, Bart., M.D., assisted by Frederick Thomas Roberts and S. Mitchell Bruce.
2 vole. (Longmans.)—The contributors to the first edition (1882)
numbered no less than one hundred and sixty-two—of these thirty are deceased, among them being Sir W. Aitken, Marcus Beck,
Sir J. Risdon Bennett, Dr. Brown-S6quard, Dr. W. B. Carpenter, Sir J. Rose Cormack, Dr. Matthews Duncan, and Dr. Charles Murchison. Fifty new writers have been employed in the present issue. It is no exaggeration to say that almost every eminent name in medicine, and not a few in surgery, are to be found in the list. Any detailed notice of the work is, of course, beyond our province.