Lord Salisbury's Aliens Bill Was Discussed In The House Of
Lords on Tuesday, when Lord Rosebery made a very able speech, denying, as we think justly, that there is so much urgency in the danger of our getting a lot of useless, because......
News Of The Week.
TN the drawing-room at the White Lodge, Richmond, on Monday, the Royal baby was christened Edward, Albert, - Christian, George, Andrew, Patrick, David. That is, he was given the......
Lord Salisbury, Of Course, Made A Very Able Reply, And
on one aspect of the case he used an effective argument. Times like these, he said, when there is no immediate pressure, are just the times when the Government should take such......
The News From Corea Is Not Very Specific, But So
far there has been no collision between the Japanese and the Chinese. Meantime, Lord Kimberley, though he has not " intervened," as was reported last Friday, is using the good......
Notice. — With This Week's Number Of The (‘ Sfhctator" Is...
gratis an Eight-Page Supplement, containing the Half-Yearly Index -and Title-Page,—i.e., from January 6th to June 80th, 1894, inclusive.......
Everything Goes Like Lightning In The States. Last Week...
and the West were almost in the throes of Revolution ; rand even Socialist Governors had to hunt high and low for rifles for the Militia. Now the Federal troops have left......
The Italians Have Taken Kassala, The Chief Stronghold Of The
Dervishes and the town which commands the Soudan. Colonel Baratieri, the Italian Governor, was attacked by the Dervishes, repulsed them, followed up their retreat, and finally......