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The result of the General Election in South Africa is a striking reverse for General Smuts and the South African Party. On the other hand, General Hertzog is very far from having obtained the majority over the two other parties for which he hoped. Thus Republicanism in South Africa is no nearer than it was, particularly as General Hertzog, the Nationalist leader, is bound by a pact with Labour not to raise the question of secession in the present session. We greatly regret that General Smuts was himself defeated for Pretoria West. Colonel Creswell, the Labour leader, won the Denver constituency of the Rand. The Rand, where General Smuts suppressed the Revolution of 1922, was the principal centre of the increased Labour and Nationalist votes. The latest figures when we go to press on Thursday are :— South African Party Nationalists . . Labour . .
Independent . .
There will probably be a Coalition Government repre- senting the Nationalists and the Labour Party.
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