21 JUNE 1924, page 9

Just One Further Comment Before Coming To The Subject...

When I wrote an article in the Spectator last year defining the three alternatives before Canada as independence, annexation to the United States or free nationhood within the......

In Two Sections Of The British Commonwealth The Fight For

autonomy which the Canadian Government has been carrying on is, however, being watched with the closest attention, in South Africa and in the Irish Free State. In government......


ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORL D. MR. MACKENZIE KING AND LAUSANNE. BY EVELYN WRENCH. " I think the aim of effective co-operation within the Empire would be best obtained by giving the......

The Reason Why The Present Discussion Revolving Round The...

debates in Great Britain and Canada is of such special importance is that it concentrates our atten- tion on the two most vital problems which the Empire will have to deal with......

The Reason For The British Government's Departure From...

at Versailles, and for its giving away the status expressly granted to the British Empire in the Covenant of the League of Nations, is commonly believed to have been due to......

If The Canadian People Complain Of The Nature Of The

comment in the Times and in the British Press before publication of the Parliamentary White Paper they have every reason to do so. Justice was not done to Canada. All who......

When The British Government Agreed With France To Limit The

Empire's representation to two, it probably did not realize how much importance is attached overseas to the national status which the Dominions obtained as a consequence of the......

The British Government In Power In October, 1922, No Doubt

with the best intentions in the world, made a gross blunder in deciding upon the British Empire representation at Lausanne without previous con- sultation with the Dominions.......

Help For The Young Playwright.

T HERE is one cruel maxim which every young playwright must face unflinchingly. Good plays, well written, well acted and well produced, frequently fail, bad pays, badly acted......