21 JUNE 1924, Page 3

The particular incident, however, in which Mr. Cummins has fallen

foul of the Obregon Government is his support of an Englishwoman, Mrs. Evans, who owns an estate in Puebla. The Government have tried to seize this property, and Mrs. Evans has resisted. Mr. Cummins, in the face of very strong opposition, has daringly compelled the Mexican Government to send her a guard of soldiers, as she is also in danger from incendiaries and looters. Mr. Cummins informed the Obregon Govern- ment that they would be held responsible for the safety of Mrs. Evans. This explains the announcement by Mr. MacDonald in the House of Commons on Monday that the chief charges against Mr. Cummins amounted to this, that he had " made rude communications to the Mexican Government." Mr. MacDonald will probably decide to recall Mr. Cummins, and Mexico will be left without recognition.

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