News of the Week
The Parties and' Unemployment THE present confused movements within the political parties are like bubbles which fly hither and thither on the surface of some liquid but gradually arrange-themselves under the atmospheric pressure. What the exact group- ing of the British political parties will yet be no man Can say, but it is obvious that the part of atmospheric -pressure is being played by uneuiployment For a long time we haVe been urging that unemployment, which is a national dallier of the first order, should be dealt with in a truly national spirit—in other words, by a policy which is the highest common factor of all party opinions. v The Times has written severely about the-falsity of the familiar analogy between the great national effort in the War and such a great national effort as is required now to re- du& uneniPloyment We :agree, . of course,-: that - so i far aithe7analOgy is Made economic it is false and perilous from every: poinC of - Iii the War :the one object was victory whatever the cost. Now cost is the most anxious element in the problem. Uneconomic expendi7 &would _carry further into the depths." But there can 'tiro'fiviiiiifitralitilOgl 'When- ml appeal made" for revival of that spirit of self-sacrifice in which the War was fought. If One may not go to the War for tin' illus- tration of the greatest co'neenti:ation' of .national energy in modern history we do not know -whefe to look for it.
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