R Orgetfulness
So I shall go, and in some other air Dig in a phantom earth with phantom spade ; And all the memories of the world will fade From less to less : I shall grow unaware Of things......
' Psittacosis And The Starling [to The Editor Of The
SPECTATOR.] SIR, —Many readers will be grateful to Sir Esme Howard for his article on caged birds in your issue of June 7th. - His comparison to the traffic in caged wild birds......
A Hundred Years Ago The " Srecratort," June 18th, 1830.
THE BRITISH SCHOOL OF ART. Sir,—I am an old man, fourscore and one come next May. I remember the foundation of the Royal Academy, sixty-two years ago. I remember the......
Reunion And The Church Of England
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Mr. G. F. Pollard's disagreement with me is a purely speculative one. It does not exist in fact. As Locke says in the beginning of his......
Sir Henry Segrave W Ertaff Map Wepluov Gas Ryijv 58e Bao-oov
Oicrroir Bag - crop Al. 00ov4cov g7TaTO TOWS' 'Aanc. ALLEN WILDING.......
Point From Letter The Boys' Brigade.
The President of the Board of Education, presiding at the annual demonstration of the Boys' Brigade at the Royal Albert Hall, and referring to the importance of organizations......