The debate of Wednesday and its sequels, however, made it
plain -that the Unionist -Party will not accept the Prime Minister's invitation • on the Bound that no cure is of any use 'except Safeguarding and that Safe- guarding is evidently ruled out. The debate was a colourless affair, the House being exhausted after having ' taken nearly twenty-two hours to settle one small matter in the Finance The Prime Minister said that if the Opposition Parties would join .hirti in an, all-Party Conference all the Government Papers would be at their disposal, but decisions would remain the prerogatiVe of the Government. Mr. Lloyd George very rightly accepted the invitation without mentioning electoral reform. Mr. Baldwin did not speak. But at a Party meeting after- wards the Unionists apparently decided not. to take part in the Conferenee. Why will not the Prime Minister offer to let the present Safeguarding duties stand till further notice ? That would be at least a very good bargaining point. * * * *