The annals of the village crafts are diversified by many
examples of individual genius and originality. One carver works and has his being in a single room, where he lives an anchoretic life along with his art. The discovery and use of a Cornish grit of peculiar porous quality is a little drama in itself. Old secrets have been rediscovered and dying crafts revived, as in the very striking success of two brothers who have relearnt the casting of lead in thin sheets, and now cast patterned capitals for leaden waterspouts that make even these hideous things a pleasure to see. The encouragement of the crafts sets free, to the abiding satis- faction of the artist, the hidden talent of the British country- man that was likely to be altogether forgotten in a factory age. Of course, the village craftsman cannot directly compete with the factory, nor can butter with margarine ; but there will always be a considerable number of purchasers who prefer the butter. Craftsman, like artists, will always be few numerically, but they are not on that account less important to the community.