As there are still some people who regard Sir Thomas
More as an early apostle of Communism, Mr. W. E. Campbell's thoughtful little book on More's Utopia and his Social Teaching ,(Eyre and Spottiswoode, 7s. 6d.) deserves notice as a refuta- tion of so paradoxical a theory. Mr. Campbell, well known as the editor of More's English works, points out that the Utopia is a dialogue in which the statements of the traveller who has visited that fabled land are clearly distinguished from More's own comments. The Utopians were Communists ; More, as a devout Roman Catholic, was not. Mr. Campbell writes from the Roman Catholic standpoint, and is concerned to show that the social philosophy of his Church is still what it was in More's day and in earlier centuries. But his interpretation of the Utopia is obviously accurate, and will interest readers whatever their creed.
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