The favourable impression created by the excellent report of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company was amply confirmed by the statements made by the Chairman, Sir John Cadman, at the shareholders' meeting held this week. The net profit of over £5,000,000 certainly more than justified the Chairman's forecast of a year ago, while as to the Refinery programmes, Sir John said that the Company was well abreast of the times, that the plant and equipment already completed, or now -tinder construction, were capable of converting the crude-oil into the constituents the market most needed, and ensuring, in- almost every circumstance, a complete producing equili- brium from the field to the market: Dealing with future prospects, Sir John Cadman took what may be termed- an optimistic but cautious view. He referred to the necessity for economies in the use of oil, and anticipated a continued expansion in the world demands for petroleum. Failing the intervention of unfavourable and unforeseen factors, share- holders were encouraged to anticipate another good year.
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