The City, and the Stock Exchange in particular, has suffered a great blow by the death which occurred somewhat suddenly, after a prolonged illness, of Lord Glendyne, . the head of the well-known Stock Exchange firm of R. Nivison and Company. Lord Glendyne's career has been a remark- able one and, if all its ,incidents were revealed; they would -
.undoubtedly serve as am inspiraticin to effort, for the secret of the great success achieved by Lord Glendyne was to be found in his own personal character and his own industry and determination. Starting life as a'bank clerk in Scotland, 'he came at an early age to London and was for some years a clerk in the Westminster Bank. Possessed of intense energy And great abilities, he decided, by the time that he was a 'little over thirty to become a member of the London Stock Exchange, and after a brief partnership, of three years, he :founded in 1886 the firm of R. Nivison and Company. From that moment it may be said that LOrd Giendynes real career :commenced. •B is firm from the outset specialized in the flotation of high-class Investment Loans and, in particular, the Loans of our various Dominions. As regards the market here, it may be said that he reduced the system of Loan flotation alnlost to an -exact science. His skill and judgment with regard to terms of issue were unrivalled, while his follciwing: . was so great and influential that it was well known that any ) Loan brought out under the auspices of " Nivisons " would' not lack support if support were necessary.
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