21 MARCH 1829, Page 13



The Foetical Sketch Book, in one volume, by T. K. Harvey, including a third edition of his Australia, will be published earlyin April. Schiller's William Tell, closely translated from the German, is just ready. A Life:of the celebrated philosopher John Lucke, with extracts never before pub- lished, from his Correspondence from 1660 to the last year of his life in 170-1, also from his Journals and Commonplace Books, formerly in the possession of the Lord Chancellor King, his near relation and sole executor, and now communicated by the

present Lord King. •

Rolbein's Bible Cuts; being Fac-Similes of the celebrated Icones Historiarum Veteris Teitamenti of Hans Holbein, engraved on wood, with descriptions in four modern languages. The Philosophy of History. An Essay on the Deaf and Dumb; showing the necessity of medical treatment in Early Infancy ; with observations on Congenital Deafness. By J. H. Curtis, Esq. Surgeon-Aurist to the King. D'Erbine' or the Cynic, a novel, said to be of the De Vere class. The Rev.Williarn Kirby, M.A. F.R. and L.S., &e., has in the press Seven Ser- mons On the Temptation of Christ,• grounded on those of Bishop Andrews. Leonora, or the Presentation at Court; being the first of a series of narratives called Young Lady's Tales. By the Author of the Poor Girl's Help, & C. A new edition, with considerable additions, of Mr. Coleridge's poetical works, is announced. BOOKS PUBLISIIED DURING TDB WEEK. ".E. S. d.

Companion to the Theatres, and Manual of the British Drama, 18rno.

By Horace Foote . . . .. . . 0 2 6

Tales of Military Life, 3 vols. post Svo. bds . . 1 11 6 The Naval Officer, 3 vols. post Sea. bds. . . 1 8 6

The Catholic Church Invulnerable, Svo. bds. . 0 3 0

Smith's Catalogue Raisonne, royal 8vo. bds. . . I 1 0

. Watkins's Sacred Pdetry, Soo. bds. . . - -. 0 7 6

Willis's Sermons for Servants, 12mo. bds. . . . , U 6 0

Gervino on Diseases of Children, 8vo. bds. .. • 0 10 6

Draper's Youth's Calendar, 2 vols. 32mo. hf.-bd. . . 0 1 6

Thornton's Counsels and dautions for Youth, 18mo. bds. . 0 3 0 Ilurder on Revivals in Religion, 12mo. bds. . 0 3 0