21 MARCH 1829, page 14

East India Shipping. Friday Evening.

The change of wind which took place this week has already brought in several of the vessels so long expected from the mud, and many more are hourly looked for. The Berwickshire......

Froai The London Gazettes.

Tuesday, March. 17. rAers:E as flies DissOLvED. A. Kande; and J. Martin, Beckenham, Kent, coach-proprietors-Cumming and Butter, Cheynd-walk, Chelsea, surgeons-T. A. Green, .J.......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

Birmus.-At Polkemmet, Scotland, the Lady . of Sir Wm. Beale, Bart. of a daughter-Oil the 13th Inst. at Kelsale-house, Suffolk, the Lady of Lieut.-Col. Sir George Haste, Of the......

London Markets.

CORN.EXCHANGE, FRIDAY, Baum 20. The supply of Grain in general this week has been very moderate ; and the duty on Foreign Wheat•being now 1.0s. &I. per quarter, quite as good......