21 MARCH 1829, Page 14


The change of wind which took place this week has already brought in several of the vessels so long expected from the mud, and many more are hourly looked for. The Berwickshire from China has been within three hundred miles of Scilly since the 28th ult:, and has experienced some very blowing weather. All the Company's ships of last season have reached Canton.

'Arrived.-s-Off the Wight, March 19th, H. C. Ship Berwickshire, Madan, from China, sailed 20th Nov. Off Southampton, B.C. Ship, Duchess of Atholl, Daniel, from China, sailed 29th Nov., from the Cape 228 Jan., and from St. Helena, 4th Feb. Off Portsmouth, Victory, Farquharson, from Bengal 15th Oct., and Madras 25th Nov.; and Alexander, Ogilvie, from Singapore. Off Dartmouth, 18th March, Eliza Jane, froni Singapore, 15th Nov. Off Falmouth, March 15th, Rapid, Handy, from Bengal, 24th Oct. At Madeira, 20th Feb., Royal Admiral from London for Madras. At Rio Janeiro, Denmark-Hill from New South Wales. At St. Helena, 16th Jan., Ann Puddicombe, from the Cape; Jan, 7., John Craig, Harvey; 12th, Tyne, Brown ; 14th, Atlantic, Johnson, and Mangles, Carr ; 16th, Craigievar, Rae; 21st, Welcome, Buchannun and Copernicus; and 270, Fame, all from the Mau- ritius ; Jan. 28. Lady Raffles, Tucker ; Chatham, Bragg ; 13th, Sovereign, Nes: field, and Diadem, all from Bombay : Jan. 11th, Circassian, Douthwaite, and 25th Minstrel, Arckoll, from Bengal and Madras ; 2d, Hebden, Fowler ; 5th Andes, King; 11th, Albion, Macleod; 19th, Mary Ann, Young ; 224, Claudine, Flinn; and 24th, Greenock, Miller all from Bengal : Jan. 18, William' Young, from Singe- pre; 22(I, Mani:ion, Wright from Batavia ; 25th, Hon. Company's Ships Edin- burgh, Bax ; 28th, Dunira, Hamilton ; and Sir 1). Scott, Mc Taggart, all from China. At the Cape, Dec. 9th, Ann, Sly ; 14th, Duke of Roxburgh, Brown ; Jan. 1st, Olive Branch, Anderson ; and 11th, Frances Charlotte, Talbert, all from London : Jan.9th, If. H. S. Rose, from Portsmouth ; 21st, Joshua, Prowse, from Liverpool ; 14th, W. Young, Reynolds, from Leith : Dec. 14th, Adrian Tupper ; Jan. 1st, Achilles, Hen- derson ' • 5th, Joseph Green, Mollison ; and 7th, Adrian, Marshall, all from Mau- ritius: Jan. 21st, Silence, Jackson, front Manilla; 1881, Promise, Saunders, from Van Dienues Lund. Off the Cape, Margaret Johnson, Sowerby, from Bombay, and Coventry, from Manwitius. At Madras, Oct. 14th, Belzoni, Talbert, from Lon- don. At Calcutta, Oct. 5th, Hercules, Vaughan ; 6th, H. C. S. Rose, Marquis ; 10th, Malcolm, Eyles ; 13th, Roxburgh Castle, Denny ; 14th, Lonach, Noakes ; 18th, Atlas, Hunt ; and about the 21st, Lord Lyndoch, Beadle, all from London and Madras : Oct. 19th, Renown, Baker ; 20th, Carnbrae Castle, Davy ; and Juliana, Tar. butt, all from London : Oct. 8th, Children, Parry ; 15th J. Reyes, Worthington, and Herculean, APKeaui ; and 16th, J. Taylor, Atkinson, all from Liverpool: Oct. 19th, Meteor, Watson, from Hull. At Singapore, Sept. 228, Scipio, Petrie, from Liver- pool ; Aug. 27th, Thames, Warming; Sept. Ruth, Rochelle, Porter ; and Oct. 24th, Clorinda, Carew, all from London. At Canton, previous to 20th Nov., H. C. S. Castle }faintly, Dunkin, from London and Mauritius : Abercrombie Robinson, limes; and Marquis Camden, Larkins; from Loudon and Bombay : Macqueen, Walker ; William Fairlie, Blair ; and Lord Lowther, Steward ; from London and Madras : Marquis Huntly, Fraser; Reliance, Timmins; Earl Balcarres, Broughton ; George Mi., Barrow ; Thomas Coutts, Chrystie ; and General Harris' Stanton ; from London mid Bengal : Canning, Baylis ; Orwell, Ferrer; add London, Smith ' • from London direct. Also the Extra Ships Lord W. Ben- Back, Craigie; and Lady Kennaway, Delafous ; from London. At New South Wales previous to 2nd Oct., Carsdine, !Lowey, from Loudon.

Sailed.-From Gravesend, March 16th, Mary, Stout:house, for the Cape ; and Lady Harewood, Lemon, for Van Dieman's Land.

Sind:ea-Peter Proctor, Terry, from London for Cape, 29th Jan., 5 north. 21 west. ; Cornwall, from London to Bengal, 6th Sept., Mi south. 19 east.; Colonist, from Batavia to Amsterdam, 18th Feb., 27 north. 39 west. ; Othello, from Bengal to Liverpool, ditto, ditto ; Fame, 10th March, 49 north. 12 west.; Thalia, Sidon, front London to Madras, 24th Oct. lat. 9, long. 84 cast.


Arrived.-In the Downs, March 20111; II. C. S. Dunira, Hamilton, from China ; Mangles, Carr, front Bengal and Mauritius Fame, Millen, and Sunbury, Pattison, from Mauritius. Off Portsmouth, March 2091, Active, Wells, front Ascension. At Cowes, March 20th, Copernicus, Stevens, front the Mauritius, with damage. Off Holyhead, March 19th, Albion, Macleod, from Bengal. Sailed.-From Gravesend, March 20th, Thetes, Gray, for New South Wales.