Tuesday, March. 17.
rAers:E as flies DissOLvED.
A. Kande; and J. Martin, Beckenham, Kent, coach-proprietors-Cumming and
Butter, Cheynd-walk, Chelsea, surgeons-T. A. Green, .J. Ward, J. Green and G.
Ward, Ludgate-street, goldsmiths ; as far as regards J. Ward-Law and Mattock,
Warley and Halifax. Yorkshire, top-manufacturers-A. Daniell and \V. Plainer, Wismure-street, Cavendish.smame, chinanien-Prideaux and Were, Plymouth, dm- her-merchants-1,V. and W. friebard, Bristol, maltsters-A. Gray and Co. New- castle-upon-Tyne, tobacconists. ' INS OLVENTS.
March 16-Lulea WHEELER and WILLIAM JoHN ADAMS, May's.buildings, St. Martin's-lane, drapers. BANKRUPTCIES ENLARGED.
SAIILTEL PEARSON, Birmingham, cabinet-maker, from March 20 to April 3.
J WIN flusuor, Sheffield, miller, front March 24 to April Pl.
THomAs SMITH, Manchester, publicain.
WILLiAm GEon GE RowLEv, Leeds, hatter. '
DANERUPTS• GEORGE 13nwAnns, St. Alban's, money-scrivener, to surrender March 20, 27, April 2e, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingliall-street: solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence, Dean's-court, Doctors'.commons.
JO ON SHEPLEY, Hayfield, Derbyshire, cotton-manufacturer, March 31, April 2, 28, at the York Hotel, Manchester: solicitors, Messrs. Hued and Johnson, Temple.
GE° sox Fanort an CK HAM ELT() N, Pratt-place, Camden-town, merchant, March 20, 31, April 28, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Silk, Goldsmith-row, East Harding-street. JOS gr ft Prattles, Brine', builder, March 30, 31, April 28, at 'Owing Ter0, Driotc4; suilciturs, Nom, Auld ancl Alum, GEORGE Virts, Maze-pond, Southwark, carpenter, March 24, 31-, April 28, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basiughall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Sheffield and Sons, Great
Prescott.street, Goodman's.iields. .
Jon N Cotus Porn, Sible Hedingham, Essex, malt-factor, March 19, 20, April 28, at the Three Cups Inn, Colchester : solicitors, Messrs. Hall, Thompson, and Sewell,: Salters'-hall.
PETER BOONS, Liverpool, livery-stable-keeper, March 30, 31, April 28, at the Clarendon Rooms, Liverpool : solicitors, Messrs. Slade and Jones, John-street, Bedford-row.
JAMES EvENNETT, Harlow Essex, cattle-jobber, March 24, al, April 28, it the.' Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-Areet : solicitor, Mr. Teague, Cannon-street.
Joust MILLER, Pall-mall; bookseller, March 20, 27, Writ 28, at the Bankrupts. • Court, Basinghull-street: solicitor, Mr. Ford, Pall-mall. THOMAS TOMKINSON, Leek, Staffordshire, tanner, April 1,2, 28, at the Red Lion inn, Leek : s■.liciturs, Messrs. Adlington, Gregory, and Faulkner, Bedford-row.
TrIOMAS BAKER, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, innkeeper, March 26,27, April 28, atthe White Lion Inn, Bath: solicitor, Mr. Jones, Crosby-square, Bishopsgate-street.
April 8, W. Brown and A. Walker, Bristol, merchants-April 14. C. Knight, Wor. thing, Sussex, victualler-April 14, J. Jones, Worthing, Sussex, inukeeper-April 10, J. and C. F. Hayes, and C.131'Callum, Albury-mills, Surrey, paper-manufacturers -April 7, M. Wilshere, Woolwich, currier-April 10, W. Spice, Chertsey, Surrey, grocer-April 7, W. Southee, Canterbury, grocer-April 7, It. Clarke, Ware, Hert- fordshire. linen-draper-April 7, W. and J. Plunkett, Whitechapel-road, ironnum-; gers-April 7, S. Morse, Hatfield Peverel, Essex, silk-throw:der-March 24, E. Hum- phreys and B. Bailey, Size-lane, drysalters -April 7, J. Stevens Deverell-street, Warner-street, Great Dover-road, builder-April 7, J. and J. B. Kenworthy, hoe: monger-lane, warehousemen-April 7, J. and %V. Lewthwaite, Lancaster, scriveners , -April 8, 1). Laird, Carlisle, draper.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on OP before April".
L. Dobson, Leeds, woollen-cloth-merchant-T. Johnston, Cheapside, warehouse- man-C. Knight, Worthing, Sussex, victualler-R: Embleton, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, tanner-L. Lambert, North Shields, Northumberland, grocer-H. Powell, Boroughbridge, Yorkshire, corn-factor-J. 13. Lawrance, Great Sc. Helen's, scrivener -W. H. Marshall, Holme on Spalding Moor, Yorkshire, tniller-W. Glover, Worid- street, Cheapside, woollen-factor-W. Pyne, Great Scotland-yard, Westminster; broker-S. Jenkins, Exmouth-street, Spa-lields, ironmonger-J. Getting, Lime. , street, merchant-J. Higgins, Jun. Lancaster, scrivener.
Friday, March 20.
IL Bettye and J. Gillgrass, Leeds, scribblers-Freer, Hatton, Lloyd, and Co. Birmingham, bankers-G. and W. Watt, Lower-street, Islington, oilmen-M. Percival and J. Percival, Oxford-street, oilmen-Grub and Taylor, Aberdeen, manu- facturers of hosiery-Gradwell and Hayes, Heaton-Norris. Lancashire, milliners-. E. Archer and Son, Drury-lane, paper-hangers-J. and 'I'. Lambert, Nottingham; lace-makers-Thorn and Co. John-street, Oxford-road, coach-makers-Rosewarne and Ticket!, Wadebridge, Cornwall, surgeons-Layzell and Sp000er, Colchester; . linen-drapers-H. Cooper and IV. Perrin, Coventry, mercers-Iligga and Guy. Penzance, grocers-Penfold and Henty, Worthing, wine-merchants-Newman and Washbourne, Corsham, Wiltshire, snrgeons.
March 19-Jasilt/A Amara OSE, Sheerness and Mile-town, Kent, ironmonger. March 20-1)Avi o DANIEL, Dawlish, Devonshire, clerk.
JOHN and W/LLIAM GICEENWO0D, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners.
HENRY BROWN, Gravesend, victualler, to surrender March 24, April 10, May 1, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingliall-street: solicitor, Mr. Towne, St. Helen's-place. IIEs:a v HAvEN, Holt, Norfolk, miller, April 7,8, May 1, at the Feather's lau, Holt: solicitor, Mr. Bridger, Finsbury-circus.
SAMUEL JACKSoN, Manchester, patent linen yarn-spinner, April 2,3, May I, at the York Hotel, Manchester : solicitors, Messrs. Willis, Watson, Bower, and Willis, London.
JoSE en Busrs, Cellbarns, Hertfordshire, coal-dealer, April 3, 10, May 1, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingliall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Hilliard and Hastings, Raymond-Buildings, Gray's-inn.
WILIGIAM MNist.i„ jun. Charles-street, Slarylebone, coach-maker, April 7,14, May I, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Bailey, Berners- street, Oxford-street.
Roan at BUTTE aerELD, ScrIven-with-Tentergate, Yorkshire, flax-dresser, April 6,7, May 1, at the Office of Mr. Gill, Knareshorough: solicitors, Messrs. Strang. waves and Walker, Barnard's-inn.
THOMAS GERARD, Stoke-upon-Trent, joiner, April 4, 6, at the Union Hotel, Lane-end, May 1, at the Vine Inn, Stafford : solicitors, Messrs. Harvey, Wilson, and Wood, Lincoln's-inn-fields, RI cliAao GI Lsene, York, victualler, April 1,2, May 1, at Etridge's Hotel, York : solicitors, Messrs. Norton and Chaplin, Gray's-iain.square.
E en RA I al MU tmnocur, Rayleigh, Essex, scrivener, March 27, April 7, May 1, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Parry, Temple.
mew Exos.
April 10, W. Loveland, Cherry-garden-street, Bermondsey, shipwright-April 10, J. Blyth, Bury St. Edmund's, draper-April I0, T. and T. R. Andrews, Tavistock- place, Pancras, coal-merchants-April 10, J.Vaughton, Clink-street, Southwark, and Prince's-place, Kennington, coal-merchant-April 19, T. Davis, Goswell-street, cheesemonger-April 11, T. Read, Gosport, painter-April 15, T. Ferguson, Cat- terick-bridge, Yorkshire, innkeeper-April 11, T. Mather, jun., West Derby, Lan- cashire, RE/R&D-April 10, W. H. and J. Parker, Hereford, booksellers-April 10, H. Arkell, Charlton, Glocestershire, corn-dealer-April 14, 11. S. Sawden, Bridling- ton-quay, Yorkshire, corn-factor-April IS, W. Goodwi n, Blainiford•Foram, sic- tnaller-April 10, G., J., and J. Bolton, Wigan, Lancashire, Mass-founders-April 13, T. Bleasdale, Chorley, Lancashire, Ironmonger.
CERTIFICATES To he granted, sunless cause be Mown. to Me contrary on or before Anri110.
T. H. Leighton, Myth, Northinnberland, manufacturing chemist-E. H. Foster, Lincoln's-inn-fields, wine-merchant-J. Hunt, I3lakenhani-Parva, Suffolk, lime- burner-J. Griffin Palsgrve-place, Temple-bar, wine-Inerchant-W. Edwards, Derby, bookseller2W.Wheiting Manchester, oil of vitriol-manufacturer-J. Ken- drick and '1'. Breeze, Great Bridge, Staffordshire, engineers-S. Laws, New Serum, victnaller.