Mernoiandum—The under-mentioned Officers upon half-pay have been allowed to retire
from the service, and their half-pay has been cancelled from the 17th of March, 1829, inclusive, on receiving a commuted allowance for their commissions :- Lieut. Iligatt Boyd, half-pay 4th Reg. of Foot; Lieut. Samuel Augustus Perry, half-pay Royal Staff Corps ; Ens. Elias Robison Handcock, half-pay 3d Garrison Battalion ; Ens. Thomas Handy Bishop, half-pay 43d Foot ; Con Seger Parry, half- pay 25th Light Dragoons ; Ens. John Prendergast, half-pay .4th Foot ; Ens. Beauloy Durant, half-pay unattached ; Ens. William Turner Ryan, half-pay 4ath Foot ; Ens. Edward Clark, half-pay 55th Foot ; Ens. John Conyers, half-pay ritith Foot ; Ens. Jeremiah Campion, half-pay 724 Foot ; Ens. Francis Hely Hutchinson Johnson, half pay Royal West India Rangers.
March 19.
1st. Reg. of Life Guards—Con and Sub-Lieut. Thomas Middleton Biddulph to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Sir Edward Blackett, who retires ; John Alexander Nisbett, gent. to be Cor. and Sub-Lieut. by purchase, vice Biddulph.
1st Reg. Dragoon Guards—Lieut. Henry Wilson to be Capt. by purchase, vice Polhill, who retires ; Con Edward Charles Hailes Wilkie to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Wilson ; James Smith Schonswar, gent. to be Cor. by purchase, vice Wilkie.
6th Dragoon Guards—Statf-Assist.-Sur. James Low Warren, M.D. to be Assist.- • Sur. vice Austen, deceased.
lot Reg. of Dragoons—Quartermaster James Kelly to be Adj. (with the rank of Cot) vice Smith, who resigns the Adjutancy only ; Troop-Serj.-illaj. Edward Hor- ton to be Quartermaster, vice Kelly, appointed Adj.
7th Reg. Light Dragoons—Hun. John Jocelyn to be Cor. by purchase, vice Haus- toun promoted.
11th. Light Dragoons—Robert Edward Crompton, gent. to be Cor. by purchase, vice Campion, who retires.
6th Reg. of Foot—Capt. Thomas Shuldham O'Halloran, from the 56th Foot, to be Capt. vice Holyoake, who exchanges ; Ens. John Lumley to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Foley, promoted ; Warren Maude, gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Lumley. 10th Foot—Capt. Francis Dunne, from the half-pay, to be Capt. vice George King, who exchenges. 12th Foot—John Spring, gent. to be Ens. without purchase, vice England, pro- moted.
16th Foot—Lieut.-Col. Lionel Smith Hook, from the Ceylon Reg. to be Lieut.- Col. vice Bird, who exchanges.
15th Foot—Lieut. Richard Dunne to be Adj. vice Hammitt, who resigns the Adju- tancy only.
20th Foot—Lieut. Christopher Francis Holmes to be Capt. by purchase, vice Gamble, who retires ; Ens. James Chambre to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Holmes; William Frith, gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Chambre.
25th Foot—Ens. Thomas Wilmot T. Thompson from the 76th Foot, to be Ens. vice Edward Sheffield Cassan, who retires upon lialf-pay.
32d Foot—William Frederick P. Wilson, gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Wynne, who retires. 33d Foot—Ens. James W. Dalgety, from the Glat Foot, to be Lieut. without pur- chase, vice Everett, deceased; Lieut. James Paterson to be Adj. vice Everett dec. 34th Foot—Capt. Basil Jacksomfrom the Royal Staff Corps, to be Capt. vice Hugh Bowen Mends, who retires upon half-pay Royal' Staff Curpe. • 46th root—Lieut. Harvey Vachell, from the Royal Stuff Corps, to be Lieut. vice Edward John Bruce, who retires upon half-pay Royal Staff Corps. 48th Foot—Colin Campbell, gent. to be Ens. without purchase, vice Wetherall, who resigns. 52d Foot—Ens. William Chaloner to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Wetherall, who retires; Richard Twopeny, gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Chaluner.
55th Foot—Ens. Mackenzie Wilson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Trowarcl, who retires ; Francis Hudson, gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Wilson.
56th Foot—Copt Thomas Holyoake, from the 6th Foot, to be Capt. vice O'Hallo- ran, who exchanges.
60th Foot—Capt. Lord George Hervey to be Maj. by purchase, vice Schoedde, pro- moted ; Lieut. George Pigott to be Capt. by purchase, vice Lord George Hervey ; Sec. Lieut. Edward Welsh Eversley to be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Pigott; Charles Fitzherbert, gent. to be Sec. Lieut. by purchase, vice Eversley.
625 Foot—Lieut. William T. Shortt to be Capt. by purchase, vice Fairfield, who retires ; Ens. Donald Christopher Baynes to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Shoat; Henry Cooper, gent, to be Ens, by purchase, vice Baynes.
filth Foot—Charles Penry Bullock, gent. to be Ens, by purchase, vice Wyatt, promoted.
76th Foot—Ensign Hon. Algernon George Percy, from the half-pay, to be Ens. vice Thompson, appointed to the 25th Foot. 77th Foot—Captain Robert Bateman, from half-pay 5th Foot, to be Capt. vice Castle, appointed Paytnaster of the 79th Foot. 79th Foot—Meat. James Rills, from the half-pay, to be Lieut. vice Lachlau BI'Leon Cameron, who exchanges ; Dapt. William Castle, trout Cite 77th Foot, to be Paymaster, vice Bateman, who returns to his former half-pay.
Stith Foot—To be Lients.—Lieut. William Foden Halt, from half-pay 97th Foot, vice Ormond, appointed Paymaster ; Lieut. Francis Gethings Keogh, from half-pay, 60th.Foot, vice Henry Copinger, who exchanges. To be Paymaster—Lieut. George Ormond, vice Kish, deceased.
92d Foot—Maj. Hugh Henry Rose, from the half-pay, to be Maj. vice Hon. John Sinclair, who exchanges.
93d Foot—Lieut. James Booth, front half-pay 22d Light Dragoons, to be Lieut. vice Hunt, whose appointment has not taken place.
Ceylon Itegt.—Lieut--Col. Henry Bird, from the 16th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Hook, who exchanges. Unattached—Maj. James Holmes Schoedde, from the 60th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. of Infantry, by purchase.
To be Capt. of Infantry, by purchase—Lieut. Henry Foley from the 6th Foot.
To be Lieut of lurantry, by purchase—Cot Andrew Houstonu, from tlic 751 Light Dragoons.
Brevet—Lieut-Gen. George Earl of Dalhousie, G.C.B. to have the local rank of General in the East Indies only ; Col. James Butler, of the Royal Invalid Artillery, to be Maj.-Gen. in the Army; MajeGen. James Butler, to be Lieut.-Gen. in the Army ; Capt. Robert Bateman, of the 77th Foot, to be Maj, in the Army. The under-mentioned Cadets of the Hon. the East India Company's Service, to have temporary rank as Ens. during the period of their being placed muter the command of Lieut.-Col. Pasley, of Cue Royal Engineers, at Chatham, fur find in- structions in the art of sapping and mining :— Gentleman Cadet James Vincent ; Gentleman Cadet Joseph Weller ; Gentleman Cadet John Nixon Sharp ; Gentleman Cadet James Bishop ; Gentleman Cadet Joseph Estridge ; Gentleman Cadet James Roger Western. Royal military College—Colonel Sir George Scovell, K.C.B. of the Royal Waggon Train, lobe Lieut,Governor, vice Col. Butler.
Memoranda—The under-mentioned half-pay Officers have been allowed to retire from the service by the sale of unattached commissions:- Lieut.-Col. Henry De Itleuron Bayard, half-pay Be Meuron's Regt. ; Capt. William Temple Graham, half-pay Royal African Corps; Lieut. Arnout O'Doonel, half-pay 65th Foot.
Deputy Assist.-Com.-Gen. Robert Decker, on half-pay, has been allowed to resign his commission.
Office of Ordnance, March 14.
Corps of Royal Engineers—Capt. Samuel Romilly, lobe Lieut.-Cot vice Macleod, retired ; Sec. Capt. Samuel Camplin Melhuish, to be Capt. vice Romilly ; First Lieut. Alexander Henderson, to be Sec. Capt. vice Aleihuish; Sec, Lieut, William E, JJrpughton, to be First Lieut. vice Itienderson,