21 MARCH 1840, Page 4

Vibe arletropolis.

The Court of Aldermen met on Tuesday, when the Lord Mayor stated, that he had waited on Prince Albert, to inform his Royal Highness that the freedom of the City of London had been conferred upon him ; and that the Prince, in the most affable manner, had sig. nified his intention of accepting the privilege in the Guildhall, "assess as hue became of age."

At a Quarterly Court of Proprietors of East India Stock, held on Wednesday, a motion by Mr. Poynder for papers relative to measures taken at the different Presidencies for the suppression of idolatrous wor- ship and processions in India, was negatived ; and the following reso- lution, moved by Sir J. L. Lushington, adopted- " That this Court have the fullest confidence that the Court of Directors will, as soon as they think they can do so with propriety, communicate infor- mation of the measures adopted by the Governors of India, in accordance with the despatch of 1833."

A Court of Directors was held at the East India House on Wednes- day ; when Lieutenant-General Sir Samford Whittinghatn was sworn in Commander-in-Chief of the Company's Forces, and Second Mem- ber of Council on the Madras establishment. Sir Samford afterwards dined with the Court, at the Albion, Aldersgate Street. Several offi- cers of high military rank, and other distinguished personages, were also present at the dinner.