21 MARCH 1840, page 1

News Of Tiie *week.

NINE weeks of the session have passed. It cannot be said, in a literal sense, that nothing has been done. Ministers think that very satisfactory progress has been made in the......

The Continental News Of The Week Is So Insignificant As

scarcely to require a line of notice. The fate of TRIERS'S Administration is said to depend upon the vote tbr the secret-service•money ; and the impression gains ground in Paris......

An Arrival At Liverpool From New York Brings An Account

of the prorogation of the Upper Canada Parliament. on the lOth of February, by Governor THOMSON. MS Excellency thanked the members for their attention to public basins, and......

The President Of The United States Sent A Message To

the Hciuse of Representatives on the 17th of February, acquainting them with the necessity of providing tire means of meeting the engagements of the general government. Unless......