The Freemason's Hall was filled on Thursday by a very
respectable assemblage, including many ladies, who met to petition Parliament against voting any portion of the public money for Church-extension, The Duke of Sussex was in the chair ; supported by several Members of the House of Connnons, and DissentIng clergymen. The Duke de- livered a long speech in praise and defence of religious liberty. He especially recommended the persons about to address the meeting to abstain from injuring, their holy cause by violence of language. Rests, lutions in conformity with the objects of the meeting were moved and seconded by Mr. Hawes, Sir Culling Eardley Smith, Mr. Baines, Sir George Strickland, the Reverend Mr. Hinton, Mr. Dennistonn, the Reverend John Burnett, Mr. Rundle, and Mr. Devonport. The Duke of Sussex closed the proceedings with another long speech, in replying to the customary vote of thanks to the Chairman.
The Reverend Hugh M'Neile of Liverpool has been delivering lec- tures is the Hanover Square Rooms in defence of an Established Church. The fourth of the series was delivered on Wednesday. Several persons of distinction have attended the lectures ; and brief and bald reports of them appeared in some of the newspapers. The lee- tuner's manner is described as impressive, but his matter seems to hem been very commonplace.
The twenty-third anniversary of the Covent Garden Theatrical Fund was celebrated on Wednesday ; the Duke of Cambridge in the chair. Mr. Bartley was the principal speaker. The music was unusually good; Madame Vestris, Miss Rainforth, Miss Hawes, and Miss P. Horton, having joined the vocal corps outstared for the occasion. The subscriptions announced exceeded 900/. Wednesday was the anniversary of the formation of St. Patrick's Benevolent Society ; and the members assembled to celebrate the day at the Freemason's Tavern ; the Marquis of Normanby in the chair, The number of gentlemen present was unusually small ; but included Lord Morpeth, Lord Shelburne, Lord Blomfield, Mr. Sheil, Lord La- pin, Mr. More °Terrell, the Marquis of Headfort, and the O'Connor Don. Subscriptions announced, 1,015/. ; including 105/, from the Queen, 251. from Queen Adelaide, and 251. from tine Dutchess of Kent. The Council of King's College have appointed Mr. Arnott Consult- ing Surgeon, and Dr. Watson Consulting Physician, to their new hos- pital. The Marquis of Norinanby has addressed a circular to the Magis- trates of the Metropolis, directing them to discourage vexatious in- formations against tradesmen for breaches of the Metropolitan Police Act, by refusing to award part of the penalty to the informers .