In reference to the Perthshire election, the following extracts front
the Aberdeen Herald of the 14th instant deserve attention, as coming from a very intelligent and stanch Anti-Tory- " Three-fourths, nay, we believe, nine-tenths, of the Liberals of this city are heartily rejoiced at the result of the contest in Perthshire. Not that they have cooled in their attachment to Reliant—not that they admire the character of Mr. llrumm ind, the Tory candidate, or have any dislike to the merely political cre.s1 of his opponent, Mr. Stewart—but simply because they would much rather be than 1w:4st-ridden—much rather submit to the Pvillunoody tyranny of Gms,rratism, Mon to 11w base, cruel, and degrading th-ipolis,,, a phar;mt:eal, jef,htizing dew. The Non- littrushmists have been beaten, soundly beaten, on the field of their own choosing too, and under circumstances more favourable to them than they can ever expect to see realized again. * * * We are assured, on good authority, that many of the moderate Churchmen, who are stanch Whigs, either voted for the Tory, or refrained from going to the ; and it is an ascertained fret, that a considerable moldier of Dissenters acted in the same way. One voter, it is said, who res1,1,, in Aberdeen, was asked to go and vote for Stewart, and he would have his expenses paid. Ile said he would not : he was a stanch Liberal, but he would never support a man who had truckled so disgracefully to the clergy. lialing prevailed, and very naturally, among a great many of the lalwrals; it is the freeling iu this city, in Peterhead, Banff, Elgin, and all along the Nuith-cat citiot it is the fit:ding of reasonable men all over the country."