21 MARCH 1840, Page 7


There Ivas a considerable demand on Monday and Tuesday for all descrip- tions of English Stock, and the number of investments for money caused an improvement in the prices of Consols and New Three-and-a-half per Cents., the only stocks now open for transfer. The former was at 904, and the latter at991. A sale of 50,000/. Consols for Money out Wednesday, however, caused a momentary pressure upon the market, and prices declined A per cent : they improved again to-day, and Consols for Money were done at 904, and of New Three-and:a-half per Cents. at 99h : these prices, however, have not been maintained, in consequence of the considerable demand for stoney. Exchequer Bills have declined to 16s. to 18s. premium. India Stock was quoted on 11 ed- nesday tut 24S%, which is 21 per cent. below the last-marked price. The meeting, of the Bank Proprietors yesterday was characterized, as such meetings usually are, by the feeble exertions of a few of the stockholders to obtain precise information concerning the affairs of the corporation, and the determined resistance of the Directors to all such inquiries. The present Go- vernor, Sir JOHN RAE Riu), silenced the spirit of inquiry by a most ingenious coup7d'aot. Front inadvertence (we suppose) a motion for a committee of laquiry, instead of being made a substantive motion, seas put as an amendment to the resolution proposed by the Directors declaratory of a division of W1 per cent. ; and the Governor effectually burkerl it, by hinting, (what was perfectly true,) just before he put the amendment, that it it was carried there would be no end. The amendment teas of course lost. A dividend was ultimately declared of 31 per cent. for the current half-year ; and it was stated that the loss sustained upon the discounts of the past year, which amounted to 401000,0004 was only 000/., and that 5,0001. had been added to the " rest." We hope that at the next meeting some proprietor experienced in the conduct of public business will so frame his motion for inquiry, that it may not, if carried, as the motion of yesterday would have done, incapacitate the meeting from voting the dividend. Bank Stock was on Wednesday quoted at 1784, and iS to-day at 178 for Account.

In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock has been heavy, in consequence of a decline iu price in the domestic market ; a depression which, strange as it may seem, has been attributed to the distaste with which the approaching mar- riage of the King with a Catholic is regarded in Holland. The firmness of our Stock Market has since caused a trifling improvement. Belgian Bonds are in demand at 104. Russian and Danish are unchanged. Brazilian Bonds are not quite so firm as last week. The refusal of M. Mos-, ouEnA. to lodge the money remitted to pay the dividends upon the converted portion of the Columbian Stock in the Bank of England, 11:1, produced a trifling decline in these securities ; and they are to-day b per cent below out last prices. The other South American Securities are unchanged. Portuguese Securities have been steady with little doing : sonic purchaseS of Three per Cent. stock have been made, it is said on account of parties at Lisbon, who have concluded an arrangement with the Government, by which a certain portion of Three per Cent. Stock is to be received in part payment of advances to be made to the Government ; but the particular: of the transac- tion have not transpired. The purchases above referred to hare not produced any material effect upon the market, as there were sellers ready to take advan- tage of the firmness thus given to the stock. Spanish Stock was heavy on Monday at 26 ; the speculators finding great difficulty in carrying over their accounts, and the settlement, though not large, was heavy, in consequence of the great pressure for money : on Tuesday the price rose to 29A, but speedily declined to' 8h ; since which it has improved to 26.,.0 and has for the last three days been steady between 264 and 26.

The last advices from America seem to agree that the Legislature of Penn- sylvania will extend the period for the resumption of cash payments by the Banks of the State to February 18-11. This will probably hare a favourable effect upon American Securities. Great difficulty is frequently experienced by the holders in divo,io:, of the Coupons of tin Bonds the dividends no in which are payable in America, at a fair rate of exchange ; and a bureau ha: recently been formed in Paris, by the junction of some of the first banking- him of that city, with Messrs. 1.1Anisc: and Co. as their London agents, to facilitate the future negutliition of these securities,


There is scarcely any thing doing this mornine., and the prices of almost all descriptions of Stock are the same as yesterday. A slight impulse iris given to Spanish Active Stuck, by the improvement of h per cent. in the price of this security in Paris on Thursday ; ;Ind the price here wa; but several sellers having conic forward, the market has given way, and is now :IS?, 4.

3 per Cent. Consols

Ditto for Account


91 Itel,dati 5 per C.•-o,..

Columbian 6 per Cents .... 1,I3/ 24ii 5 3 per Cent. Reduced

shat Dauish 3 per Cents 79 79 31 per Cent. Ditto shut Dote!' 211er Conts 52i 3 New 35 per Cents. 99 r

IN.rnyziwselte.2eney 5per Cis. 34 th

Sank Stock

shut I Ditto 3 per Cents 23; 41 Exchequer ]fills .......

16 18 ma. Rossi:in a per Ce1ts...ex..1 1128 113 India Stock

shut Spanish (Active) 8; t

Brazilian 5 per Cents 781 I