ARRIVED—At Gravesend, lath March, Dorisana, Myth, from China; 16th, Mauri- tius, Simpson, from ditto; 18th, Herschel, Robertson, from Mauritius; 19th, William Hyde, Steward, from New Zealand ; andSappho, Dunlop ; and Carib, Heaton, from China In the Downs, 17th, Zephyr, —, from China. Off We Wight, 170,43raham, Munro, from Sydney. Off Dungeness, —, Nestor, hPlifeckam, from Madras. At Liver- pool, 16th, Maggie, Spence ; and Inglewood, —, from China ; and Herculean, Gibson ; Anne Armstrong, Graham; Delhi, Homer; and England's Queen, Sheddiniis, from Bombay. Off Bardsey, 15th, Culdee, Campbell, from China. At St. Helena ; 20th Jan. Diana, Vincent, from Madras ; 22d, Syria, Stroyan, from China; 28th, R. Henderson, IPLean, from Calcutta ; and Panama, leLeod, from Bombay ; 29th, Pas- senger, Watson ; and Aran, Salta, from China. At the Cape, previous to lbth Jan. Harbinger, Candlish; and Princess Royal, Sinclair, from China ; Persia, Morris, from Bombay ; Star, M`Donakl, from Calcutta ; and Great Britain, Gibbon, from London. SAILED —From Gravesend, 13th March, East Anglian, Stevens, for Ceylon; and 14th, Lady Clarke, Lawrence, for Madras. From Liverpool, 19th, Josephine, Smith, for China ; H. Winch, Cole, for Calcutta ; and Earl of Harewood, Atkins, for Ceylon. From the Clyde, 17th, Mogul, Oliphant, for Batavia; and Margaret Wilkie, Duman, for Ceylon.