There Is A Second Batch Of Pacific News From America.
Not that Mr. Polk's Administration is in a more wholesome state; nor has any definite step been publicly taken ; but a proceeding in the Senate promises well. Mr. Colquit had......
The Polish Insurrection Seems To Be Dying Out. The Great
mass of the conflagration has been smothered by the sheer bulk of the force thrown upon it, and it smoulders beneath ; showing itself only in by-places and chance intervals. The......
The Spanish Ministry Has Broken Up, After A Month's Short
life. Composed of heterogeneous materials, the new elements consisting of respectables without energy equal to the times it had while it existed no substantive vigour. Narvaez......
Debates Awl Girotettrings In Variiament
TEE OREGON DISPUTE. In the House of Lords, on Tuesday, the Earl of CLannwnow moved for the production of such correspondence as had taken place with the United States on the......
News Of The Week.
THANKS to the Protectionists, the Tariff is exactly in the same cr that it had reached when we left it last week. That degree of power the party have exhibited—that kind of......