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Oalaceu. business has diversified the Royal avocations this week.
On Wednesday, the Queen held a Court and Privy Council. The Duke of Buccleuch and Sir Robert Peel had audiences; also the Bishop of Cal- cutta, to submit to her Majesty the ground-plan and the perspective view of the Cathedral of St. Paul's, Calcutta.
On Thursday, the Queen held a drawingroom at St. James's Palace. Prince Albert, the Dutchess of Kent, and the Duke and Dutchess of Cam- bridge, took part in the ceremonial. Among the presentations, no fewer than sixteen were of ladies on their marriage. Several dinner-parties have been given; the Dutchesses of Kent and Gloucester, the Dutehess of Sutherland, the Duke and Dutchess of Bed- ford„..the Earl of Aberdeen, and the Earl of Lincoln, appearing among the guests. The jewels destined for the Hereditary Grand Dutchess of Saxony were submitted on Wednesday to the inspection of the Queen and Prince Albert, by the manufacturers; also the silver candelabrum, part of a service of plate now finishing for the Emperor of Russia. The Royal opinion was favourable.