The American Government is also plunging into a quarrel. with
Germany. The Germans recently discovered, or more probably, for Protectionist reasons, imagined, that American pork was not quite healthy, and prohibited its importation.. The Americans say it is quite healthy, and declare the law, if enforced against them alone, to be an act of unfriendliness. Their remonstrances have, however, remained unheeded, and. Mr. Phelps, American Minister in Berlin, has now received instructions to say that, unless the decree of prohibition is at once rescinded, the President will, under a statute recently passed by Congress, prohibit the admission of German imports. into the territories of the Union,--precisely the course which, as we pointed out last week, nations would adopt if war were- forbidden. The threat will tax the self-control of the German Emperor; but probably he will remember the counsel given by the Russian Emperor Nicholas to the Austrian Government,
when an American man-of-war rescued a Hungarian refugee in the Bosphorus, to bear anything not involving degradation, rather than bring such an unknown and unknowable factor as the Union into European politics.