21 MARCH 1891, page 1

Mr. Gladstone Spoke At Hastings On Tuesday Afternoon, In The

Gaiety Theatre there, to as large an audience as the build- ing could contain. He was hearty in his praise of Lord Salisbury's foreign policy, but very severe on Mr. Gosehen's......

Of Course Mr. Goschen At Once Remonstrated By Letter With

Mr. Gladstone, and on the question of " concealment " broke down the ex-Prime Minister's case. Nothing had ever been concealed. Indeed, the whole tenor of the Navy proposal had......

14 ** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...


The Court Of Appeal On Thursday Gave A Most Important

decision. Mr. Jackson, of Clitheroe, had vainly urged his wife to live with him, and, after obtaining a decree for restitu- tion of conjugal rights, seized her by force, and......

Communication By Telephone Has Been Successfully Estab-...

and Paris, and on Wednesday M. Roche, the French Minister of Commerce, addressed to Mr. Raikes, the Poatmaster-General, a whole speech of congratula- tion, which was heard as......

News Of The Week.

P RINCE NAPOLEON lingered a few hours longer than was expected, but he expired on Tuesday evening, having, it is said, remarked a few hours before : "I have succeeded in......