21 MARCH 1914, Page 24

The Real Mexico. By H. Hamilton Fyfe. (William Heine- mann.

6e. net.)—What Mr. Fyfe means by "the real Mexico" is his recent impression of the country, "as opposed to the Mexico of those who during the reign of President Diaz foend everything perfect, and to the Mexico of writers who, going to the opposite extreme-, would make the world's flesh creep by relating stories of revolting savagery." It is never easy to get at the. unvarnished truth in the midst of civil war; perhaps it is. specially difficult in Latin America. But Mr. Fyfe is a, trained investigator of affairs, and we have little doubt that his. readable book comes as near the truth as is possible. He repeats General Carranza's statement that the Constitntionaliats would execute every one who recognized President Huerta, and assures us that he cannot possibly have misunderstood, it, though General Carranza has since denied that he ever said such a thing.