Links With The Past.
[To me Eamon or rue "Srsemoz."] Sia,—Eighteen years ago, in the course of my ministerial visitations in the City of London, I came across an old sailor who had a distinct......
[To Tee EDITOR OF rue “Brscr■Toa."] Sin,—With reference to "skivers." As a director of a leather company, may I ask you to find space for my letter ? Sheep- skins are......
Eto Tit Editor On Tim “srscraxo..."1 Sir,—may I Add Another
link in your chain with the past? I think I must be almost unique in being able to say that (though l ain not yet nearly an octogenarian) my father, the late Hear-Admiral Sir......
The " Spectator " And The American Civil War.
[TO Tex Terms OP THII "Byre...vox:] Sin,—Your laconic reply to my request (published in your issue of February 14th) that you would set forth in a brief article the principal......
The Non-couplet Poetry Of Crabbe.
[To TIT E1.110I OF TEN "tircorxxoa.") Sta,—As an admirer of George Crabbe, 1 have seen with interest your notice of his" non-couplet " poems (Spectator, March 14th). There is......
[TO TIM EDITOR or TIE " SFICTAT0e."/ Si,—Your correspondence on the word " skivers " reminds me of a local usage which I am at a loss to explain. The term " skivvies " is used......
Virgil's Beasts, Birds, And Bees.
[To THE EDITOR OF TIM " SPICTATOM..1 Sut,—Some of the difficulty about birds in the third Georgia mentioned in your article of last week on Virgil's birds arises from a mistaken......