21 MARCH 1958, Page 26
By PHILIDOR No. 145. E. A. WIRTANEN (Finland)
BLACK (6 men) WHITE (8 men)
wftrrE to play and mate in two moves: solution next week. Solution to last week's problem by Stoccht: Q-Q 6, threat Q x Kt. 1 . . . Kt-B 5; 2 Q-Q 4. 1 . Kt-Q 2; 2 Q x BP. 1 . . . Kt-B 2; 2 Q x Kt P. 1 . . . Kt-Kt 5; 2 Q-B 4. 1 . . . Kt-B 6; 2 Q x QP 1...Q x P; 2 Q-Q4.
This competition was for a problem showing a duel between one white and one black piece—in this case the W Q and B Kt, with five different Q mates against Kt defences.