In View Of The Conditions Obtaining In The Placcs , Named,
the usual six-guinea prize is o ff ered for the best contemporary rewrite of the famous ballad: I'll sing thee songs of Araby And tales of fair Cashmere . , . (or, as the Oxford......
Solution Of 982 Across.--1 Mallow. 4 Crumpets. 10...
Plaster. 12 Salamander. 13 ous. 15 Flannel. 17 Shallow. 19 Surfeit. 21 Saddest. 23 Cask. 24 Crum-bench. 27 Bristol. 28 Calibre. 29 Chimneys. • 30 Creels. DOWN.-1 Meat-safes. 2......
Spectator Crossword No. 984
ACROSS 1 Press on for a noble carriage (8). S Coinfesses to having proper even- ing meal (4, 2). 9 Ribbon monopoly suffers dimuni- tion (8). 10 Lag in a confused way; result, a......
Grim Fairy Tales
Competitors were asked to provide an extract from any well-known children's fairy tale as it might be adjusted for adult reading. S OMEWHERE in the world there must be a......