21 MARCH 1970, Page 34

Life of Healey

Sir: We would like to correct a few points made in J. W. M. Thompsdn's notebook (7 March) about the book we are currently writing on Denis Healey and British defence policy.

Firstly, Geoffrey Williams wrote to the Times merely to correct their. .. misun- derstanding, of certain aspects -of defence

policy, and not out of any feelings of 'hero worship' towards Denis Healey and his defence policy.

Secondly, the book we are writing is not an 'authorised biography' as you stated, although we have been given the cooperation of Denis Healey and the Ministry of Defence in its preparation.

Thirdly, we are both academics lecturing and researching in the fields of political and strategic studies, and we intend to produce a book which will be both critical and ob- jective about Denis Healey and the defence policy of the Labour government.

Bruce S. Reed Geoffrey Williams 2 Burlington Road, Polygon, Southampton