21 MARCH 1970, page 33

The Tenth Commandment

Sir: Mr Enoch Powell has the unfortunate habit of making controversial statements as if they were self-evident truths which re- quire no corroboration. For example in your last......

New York Revisited

Sir: It is surprising to find a journalist of the distinction of Ludovic Kennedy achieving such vast generalisations as those in his article on New York (7 March). If I may......

Enter Tito's Policeman

Sir: I was most gratified by Mr Szamuely's enlightening article (14 February) on Tito's policeman and the subsequent correspond- ence. It is high time that the long tradition of......


From Datne loan Vickers, MP. K. Treeby, R. Marcetic, L. A. Holford-Strevens. J. M. Venables, J. F. McCrindle, N. J. Ogbuehi, Bruce S. Reed and Geoffrey Williams, R. J. F.......