21 MARCH 1970, Page 34

Negro violence

Sir: What does your reader Mr 'James Adams' mean when he says in his letter (14 March) that 'the trouble seems to be that the Negro wants his PhD, Cadillac, etc, not merely now, but also without the tiresome necessity of having earned them'? How does anybody. black or white, get a PhD without earning it?

The real trouble will seem to be that to the 'James Adamses' of this world any Negro, irrespective of his PhD, is already classified as an 'ignoramus'. This may partly account for the fact that when he took himself away from Zambia he selected South-West Africa and not any country in Europe as his next home. It would appear that his abundant energy and industry can only flourish in an atmosphere of white privilege and black sub- jugation. The moment it looks as if he would at last face his ignoramuses on an equal footing he takes to his heels and lets off a barrage of insults in a (pseudonymous) letter to the SPECTATOR.

It is always a pity of course when anybody is killed, whether they are stabbed to death (like Mr 'James Adams's colleague in Zam- bia). or are the victims of judicial murder, like all those Africans hanged by the Smith regime in Rhodesia, and those ignoramuses who were mowed down in Sharpeville not so long ago by agents of the sort of system under which 'James Adams' now prefers to live in sw Africa. In sw Africa all the PhDs and all the Cadillacs are owned, of course, by the supermen.