21 MAY 1859, Page 10


STOCK Excaseoz, FRIDAY Arricatioon.

The disposition to resume business which was apparent last week has main fallen off, and the English Stock Market is once more in a dull and languid state. The serious character of the late crisis has tended to create an almost entire stagnation in nearly all business connected with the Stock Exchange ; it is true the public continue to invest, but only in small amounts, and so imparting a degree of firmness to the Market, but not the least animation : speculation for the time seems quite out of the question. The demand for money at the Bank and elsewhere has greatly diminished, and the rate out of doors is quite 1 per cent below the Bank minimum; the supply being thus great it is expected the Directors will shortly reduce the rate at least f per cent. The fluctuation in the price of Consols has not ex- ceeded f per cent all the week, opening on Monday, 94 911 ; the speech of the Prince Regent of Prussia not being considered favourable a decline oc- curred to 91k, from which there was afterwards a recovery to 94 94 upon receipt of higher quotations from Paris ; since then the Market has alter- nately been 911 911, 91} 94, and 91i 94, closing today rather heavily 911 94 for Money and 94 911 for June. Reduced and New Three per Cents are both 901 90f ; India Debentures been dealt in to some extent, and close 93 93/ and 921 93 for the last issue. The daily purchasers by the Government Broker arc now limited to 50001., it is therefore expected these investments will shortly cease.

The Foreign Stock Market has been equally inanimate with that for English Securities ; prices, however, upon the whole, exhibit a slight im- provement. The chief operations have been in Turkish—the quotation for the Old Six per Cents being now 60 62, and for the New, 50 52. It seems highly probable it will be long ere anything like the confidence which was beginning to be shown in this market previous to the panic, will be reestablished. Mexican Bonds are dull at 161, upon unfavourable advices by New York ; Austrian, 35 40; Sardinian, 76 78; Victor Emmanuel Mortgage Loan, 74 76 ; Russian, 100 105. In the remaining securities the quotations are for the most part nominal, the figures are somewhat better, but the majority of bargains are merely matters of negotiation. Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 80 82; Peruvian, Three per Cents, 60 62; Spanish Three per Cents, 38 40 ; Portuguese Three per Cents, 38 40. The arrangements for the settlement of the half-monthly account prin- cipally engaged attention at the beginning of the week in the English Railway Market. Only a moderate amount of business has been doing, but prices have rather advanced upon those of last week ; the leading lines are from 1 to per cent better; there is, however, little inclination to extend engagements. The markets are comparatively deserted. Chester and Holy- head leave off 46 47 ; London and Korth-Western, 85 861 ; Great Western, 501 51} ; London and South-Western, 86 87; Caledonian Shares, 361 371 North-British, 51 52 ; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 23 21 ; Great r orth-

ern, 94 96 ; Midland, 93 94; 841 851 ; South-Eastern, 181 184 ; London and Brighton, 107 109. The settlement passed off satisfactorily. The French Market is steady, but bargains are almost suspended in Paris as in London. Northern of France, 34 36 ; Paris and Lyons, 30 31; Lombardo- Venetian, 31 3 dis. ; Indian Shares are firm, the paid-up stock having been largely purchased for investment. East Indian, 95 96; Peninsula, 93 95 India Debenture Loan, 97 99.


There is only a small attendance of dealers in the Stock Exchange this morning ; quotations are without alteration, and Consols 911 1.